
School of Integrative Medicine.



1. 天然药物靶标鉴定及相互作用机制分析平台

    平台配备Biacore T200分子互作分析仪、Pherastar高通量分析系统、等温滴定量热仪(PEAQ-ITC Automated)、高通量药物筛选系统FDSS等关键设备和仪器。通过联合应用表面等离子互作分析(Surface Plasmon Resonance, SPR)、超低吸附芯片表面修饰及蛋白质组质谱分析等技术,针对重要天然药物系统化鉴定其主要候选靶标分子。进一步应用SPR技术(Biacore T200)和ITC分析在分子层面验证药物与靶标的相互作用活性,并基于FRET、BRET、NanoBit、co-IP等分析技术在细胞层面验证药物与靶标互作的特异性。结合分子对接、分子动力学模拟等人工智能方法对药物与靶标的相互作用位点以及药物靶标与下游信号分子互作的结构机制进行预测,并进一步联合靶标蛋白的突变进行SPRBRET分析等验证工作,综合阐释天然药物与靶标相互作用的分子机制。

Natural drug target identification and interaction mechanism analysis platform

The platform is equipped with Biacore T200, Pherastar high-throughput analysis system, isothermal titration calorimeter (PEAQ-ITC Automated), high-throughput drug screening system FDSS and other essential equipment and instruments. The candidate targets of important natural medicines are systematically identified through the combined application of Surface Plasmon Resonance (SPR) analysis, ultra-low adsorption chip surface modification, and proteomic mass spectrometry and other technologies. Further, apply SPR technology (Biacore T200) and ITC analysis to verify the interactions between the drugs and the targets at the molecular level, and verify the specificity at the cell level based on techniques such as FRET, BRET, NanoBit, and co-IP. Combining artificial intelligence methods such as molecular docking and molecular dynamics simulation to predict the interaction sites and the structural mechanism between the drug target and the downstream signal effector, further combining the target protein's mutation to perform SPR or BRET analysis for verification to explain the molecular mechanisms comprehensively.

Biacore T200分子互作分析仪


等温滴定量热仪(PEAQ-ITC Automated


2. 多模态神经细胞干预和记录平台

    该平台配备双光子免疫荧光显微镜、多通道膜片钳记录等系统。多通道在体记录技术(Multiple Channel in vivo Recording Technique)可以在清醒且自由活动的动物脑内记录数百乃至上千个神经细胞的放电活动。该技术能够进行中枢神经系统多部位、多神经元同步信号记录,并配合行为检测研究的能力,可用于中枢神经群放电、脑电与诱发电位,以及感觉、悦动、学习记忆等多种中枢功能机制研究。光遗传学(Optogenetics)和化学遗传学(Chemogenetics)是将光学/化学技术与遗传学手段结合,来实现控制神经细胞行为的方法,它克服了传统电刺激和药物手段激活/抑制细胞时空间和时间分辨率低的缺点。

Multimodal neural cell intervention and recording platform

The platform is equipped with a two-photon immunofluorescence microscope, multi-channel patch-clamp recording and other systems. The Multiple Channel in vivo Recording Technique can record the discharge activity of hundreds or even thousands of nerve cells in the brains of awake and freely moving animals. This technology can record synchronous signals from multiple parts of the central nervous system and multiple neurons, and can be used for central nervous system discharge, brain electricity and evoked potentials, and various central functions such as sensation, pleasure, learning and memory. Optogenetics and chemogenetics are methods that combine optical/chemical technology and genetics to control the behaviour of nerve cells. It overcomes the traditional electrical stimulation and drug methods to activate/inhibit the spatial and temporal and Disadvantages of low time resolution.


Multi-channel patch clamp recording system